VMG Blog Pages

Sunday, September 18, 2005



I love to watch stuff blow up. So of course I was thrilled when I saw this. It's amazing how they can control such a destructive force.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

I-Hacked.com Taking Advantage Of Technology - Home

This site has some really cool information. Although, I think these guys have way too much free time on their hands......


Friday, September 16, 2005

United Nuclear - Scientific Supplies

United Nuclear has been featured on nationwide CBS television news and "Coast to Coast" radio with host Art Bell.

United Nuclear Website

I've always wanted to buy some radioactive materials....Hehehehehehehee! I can't believe some of the stuff they have here!

All Too Flat

Alright, so what is this site all about?
I think Yahoo describes ATF the best: "A web site that takes its name from a Monty Python sketch seems like the natural place to find oddities like The Bible According to Cheese and scientist trading cards. At alltooflat.com, quirky humor is the name of the game. ...
