VMG Blog Pages

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Automakers Challenge Vermont Emissions Law

BURLINGTON, Vermont (Reuters) - The U.S. auto industry challenges Vermont in court on Tuesday, trying to block efforts by 10 states adopting stricter limits on vehicle emissions of carbon dioxide, a main greenhouse gas. Automakers have also sued California and Rhode Island, but the Vermont case starting on Tuesday at the U.S. District Court in Burlington is the first to go to trial. Vermont, with a record of environmental measures and known for its rural beauty, is one of ten states adopting standards that are tougher than federal rules.

Automakers Challenge Vermont Emissions Law

And if Vermont wins, we'll all be paying more to have our vehicles emission tested and inspected while trucks and buses spew out more greenhouse gases than thousands of cars. A nice thought from the perspective of political correctness, but it's really like sticking your finger into an extremely large dam. Nonetheless, one has to err on the side of cleaner air.

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